Friday, June 30, 2006

Visiting Vlad and other stuff

WEll hey, I did not actually get to update my blog for the longest time. Quite busy at work, marginally interested in football ( a bit of an understatement, albeit only valid during the world cup ) and yeah, i sit in fornt of a computer all day, so not my idea of fun wehn I come home to gratuitously add a few more hours.

Hence the reason I was unable to answer the insisting calls of Vlad ( better known as Bobby ) who recently went strutting her stuff in Florence...and Tarmo, ( can't quite find a nickname for him ). BOth have been asking me to visit Romania no less!

It is one of the numerous places that I have to go, not least because I miss the people that are in those various places. Finland, France.

Quite frankly the answer is that I do not know when I will be able to make it, my life being its habitual chaotic self :) But I do promise that I will come. Pain of death, cross my heart...

On a less serious note, I also have posted some new pictures tha tI hope some of you will enjoy, as it may well bring back some memories. Others not, but you can look at them anyway.

Random couple in Tottenham Court Road. I was waiting for the bus and saw this scene that somehow seemed a bit cliche and had an American feel to it. I like it... You don't have to.

SLightly eary, I thought this chair nonetheless accurately conveys the atmosphere of the halls in Tufnell. For those that have left the confines of Tufnell and will not be coming back that soon, you will find it interesting that the place has been "refurbished". Groundbreaking changes such as putting numbers on the toilet doors will guarantee much better value for money, cleanliness and another few benefits that are naturally expected.

AH! The wall. I loved my wall. Well actually less the wall but more the pictures on it. Since I have moved out, it has been quite a weird feeling to have blank walls. I plan to put new stuff up, but not really sure what and how. Definetely needs a slightly more sophisticated feel to it this time. Wooden frames sort of thing, with black and white pictures. Minimalisme oblige.

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