Friday, June 30, 2006

Visiting Vlad and other stuff

WEll hey, I did not actually get to update my blog for the longest time. Quite busy at work, marginally interested in football ( a bit of an understatement, albeit only valid during the world cup ) and yeah, i sit in fornt of a computer all day, so not my idea of fun wehn I come home to gratuitously add a few more hours.

Hence the reason I was unable to answer the insisting calls of Vlad ( better known as Bobby ) who recently went strutting her stuff in Florence...and Tarmo, ( can't quite find a nickname for him ). BOth have been asking me to visit Romania no less!

It is one of the numerous places that I have to go, not least because I miss the people that are in those various places. Finland, France.

Quite frankly the answer is that I do not know when I will be able to make it, my life being its habitual chaotic self :) But I do promise that I will come. Pain of death, cross my heart...

On a less serious note, I also have posted some new pictures tha tI hope some of you will enjoy, as it may well bring back some memories. Others not, but you can look at them anyway.

Random couple in Tottenham Court Road. I was waiting for the bus and saw this scene that somehow seemed a bit cliche and had an American feel to it. I like it... You don't have to.

SLightly eary, I thought this chair nonetheless accurately conveys the atmosphere of the halls in Tufnell. For those that have left the confines of Tufnell and will not be coming back that soon, you will find it interesting that the place has been "refurbished". Groundbreaking changes such as putting numbers on the toilet doors will guarantee much better value for money, cleanliness and another few benefits that are naturally expected.

AH! The wall. I loved my wall. Well actually less the wall but more the pictures on it. Since I have moved out, it has been quite a weird feeling to have blank walls. I plan to put new stuff up, but not really sure what and how. Definetely needs a slightly more sophisticated feel to it this time. Wooden frames sort of thing, with black and white pictures. Minimalisme oblige.

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Sarah and Nada

Thus she displayed her bum, a very cute bum in public.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Nada, one of the loveliest people
I know. Perhaps at some point, I will get round to show her face
as well.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Lloyd, one of my dearest friends has asked me how a blog works. THis is merely a text demonstrating the ease of the endeavour. REgister, write and post... If you feel really creative, add a picture...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mobiles and other nasties ... BAd BAd Evil Mobiles

Well well, Folks, I have a close friend of mine that is quite concerned about the nefarious effects of mobiles on people. Though I much doubt that people will change their habits because of this blog entry, I nonetheless said I would spread the word...Mobiles are bad for you, cause cancer (apparently) and should be used only in emergencies (not sure if that includes looking for your friend after a heavy night out....)
/there are some reports that may verify the above, some contradict it ...You are all savvy people, Google it and make your mind up for yourselves! Beat the System... Be a rebel...
Go Children

And don't give me no shit about "this is old news" ...I read the papers too...#

::::: Transcript of discussion that lead to the above... :::::
ducderaph says:
une émission de TV le jeudi soir sur France 2 qui parle de sujets assez dérangeants mais dont les medias ne parlent presque pas...
Philip says:
y a moyen que tu enregistre sur ton pc?
Dis moi, t'as des filmes francais en Divx?
ducderaph says:
ex: les camps de redressements juveniles aux USA qui font payer 30000 USD par an aux parents pour les placer dans des "behavioral modification camps" qui ressemblent surtout à Abou Grahib
Philip says:
je suppose y a un site qui va avec ?
ducderaph says:
autre ex: les recherches inquiétantes sur les effets du portable avec les ondes electromagnétiques et le lobby des telecoms qui cache un problème de santé publique qui pourrait menacer... plusieurs MILLIARDS de personnes
Philip says:
ducderaph says:
Depuis je ne parle au portable qu'avec l'oreillette ou le hautparleur et le portable posé sur la table... advice: fait pareil, éloigne à au moins 50 cm de diamètre
Philip says:
?? porque
ducderaph says:
Les ondes électromagnétiques gravitent autour de l'antenne lors des communications, mais ne dépassent pas une certaine distance (estimée à environ 50 cm de diametre par des médecins qui avaient été chargés d'étudier ce probl
donc si tu poses le portable sur la table à 50 cm ou si tu es dans la rue, et que tu dois parler, prend ton portable, met le hautparleur sur volume maximum et tiens le devant toi à bras portant
Si tu es dans un train ou un bar, tu peux pas forcéement mettre le haut parleur mais dans ce cas là, a moins d'une urgence, écourte ta conversation
Philip says:
i c...
ducderaph says:
Philip says:
I see
I will take it on board
ducderaph says:
Oui et passe le message à tous les gens si possible
Philip says:
Dumm though if you have no loudspeaker on the phone or a headset..
Well I think that is actually old news...
ducderaph says:
You need at least one of them and preferably both
Philip says:
people just dont take the warning seriously
me for instance...
ducderaph says:
Yes because the telecom lobby makes damn sure they don'y
Just to give you a perspective on this: the house of the doctor who published the results was burned down soon after he went on tv to talk about it... mysterious ain't it
Philip says:
Nothing to do with the telecom lobby, it is just more convenient, people are lazy
sounds like another conspiracy theory to me...
ducderaph says:
People are lazy because they are not informed properly
Philip says:
I dont think so
Reports that mobiles are health hazards have been round for ages now
ducderaph says:
Je te rappelle mon ami, que les premières recherches démontrant les relations entre l'amiante et divers cancers datent de 1920... l'amiante a été abolie en 1980 peu de temps après le constat des premiers cancers liés à l'amiante... et le pic de cancers dus à l'amainte devrait aparaitre en 2015 selon les cherchers
Philip says:
Raph, what do you want me to say
not like I can do much about it
ducderaph says:
Yes but it's not because just a few reports have been published that the public takes the health hazards seriously
Philip says:
I very much doubt that the people I know in their vast majority, though aware of the risk, will actually change their habits
ducderaph says:
C pour ça que je tout ce que je te demande, c'est pas grand chose: juste d'en parler à qq amis, qui en parleront à leurs amis... et donc bouche à oreille... c tout
Philip says:
less you make mobiles illegal... and there is a fat chance of that happening.
ducderaph says:
I am not saying everyone will change their habits immediately but at least it can help speed up the process...
Philip says:
Ok ok, I will stick it on my blog..
how about that
ducderaph says:
Ok cool
Philip says:
the info will be available 23/7 btw...
ducderaph says:
Shouldn't take too much time... i'll continue spreading the word

Sunday, June 04, 2006


And you Thoughty I had forgotten ... Tss tss